7) Demonstrating Higher Value correct answer = letter b
Attraction is counter-intuitive. This is why most men are clueless when it comes to women. This is probably why so many men get married because until you learn how a woman really ticks, it's hard work! A man needs to get across to a woman that he has value. He is a tribal leader. He runs the show. He has what he wants. These are BIG attraction triggers for women, so you must telegraph these. Be confident, witty, intelligent, in charge of the situation, not needy and never seek approval to a woman. If you are seen at a party surrounded by women, all having a good time with you, other women wonder what all the fuss is about. They want in. Also, women want to be swept off their feet. They don't want logistics, facts and figures. They don't want to feel all weirded out by you telling them how in love with them you are, before you have got to know them. They want you to sweep them away and be seduced without ever being conscious of it. So sweep them.