Dear Alice, How do I approach the girl I like in my school? and what ways can I capture her heart? Girard Inkster, Michigan
Ask her if she would like to meet Prince Charming - and be one,
Hi Alice, I'm a really shy guy who has had some really great luck or should I say really bad luck with women. My first love died in a car wreck one month before we were married. The next girl I dated was a lawyer just getting started who loved her career more than me. The next love of my life was a gymnast who died in my arms of an addiction to speed. My last real attempt at love was my ex wife. She was a manic depressive. We lasted only a year. I'm not even sure if she really loved me or if she was just trying to escape the insecurity of her own life. My question is this; How do I convince myself to try again? A part of me wants to try again, but the pain and fear just seem to overwhelm me now. I have noticed that over this past year I have been walling myself off from society in general. I would turn to family or friends, but both are either too distant or too messed up themselves to help me. Any advice? signed, hurt once too often - Bakersfield,CA
Dear hurt once too often,
I think I know how you feel, and I am so sorry you went through so much. Sometimes I like to think that at some place on the planet there are loving people and being happy, and others going through hell having lost it all. It helps me when things go wrong, I try hard to remember when I had my island of happiness, and I go back there thinking it will come again. Then when things are really good, I take the time to count my blessings, and wish for others to be part of this amazing love I have. Jeff, now is the time to count your blessings and take a deep breath, a new love ride will come again, and it will be wider and bigger than the one before because you have changed... that's what life does, like good wine, in time we become more capable of love and we decide to have an innocent heart. Don't give up, you shall forget these days soon... try to replenish your soul with elementary places, childhood memories and friends, long walks in the woods, swimming in a cold lake... let your body heal and the soul with follow.
With much love, Alice
ps: all my friends and family are completely dysfunctional as well, do you think we may be related?
Dear Alice,
This is a little long, so please bare with me... OK I went to Chilis in Torrance about 4 weeks ago and I saw a waitress, her smile jus caught me... so then the next weekend I went in asking if I could take her out, she basically said no but gave me her number... Then during the week I called but no pick up, so then the next weekend I dropped a burnt copy of a hip hop cd cuz I found out she is into hip hop and wrote a note on the back of the cd with my number, then during the week no call, so then the next weekend after that I dropped off a Jack Johnson cd with a note on the back but this time she called back and we talked a lil, I was nervous as hell, I never approached a girl I didn't know and I only had one girlfriend for 2 years. So anyhow, when we talked I asked if I could take her out just to get to know each other, she said call back on wednesday and so I did but no pick up.... It hurts cuz the only time she ever picked up was when she called me and I called her back right after... this girl Marlien....I like her a lot.....I get the butterflies in my stomach....but the way its going you'd think she doesnt want to meet and is jus being nice... I'm 19, she's 19 but she goes to school in Riverside and works the weekend in Torrance which is like an hour and 30 mintues apart. Thanks - Jesse Cho Torrance, USA
Ouch Jessie, an hour and a half ride each way, it's not going to work. You may need to re-think this one unfortunately, at 19 she sounds very determined to stay focused on her studies and meeting ends with her waitress job. Don't take it as personal rejection, this is like a bird in love with a fish (check out the wise poem by Confucius). Why are you going after something so difficult? Do you like a challenge in the first place, because you are headed for rejection and it is not what we want right? True love is simple and one doesn't need to play games. When you find it you know right away! Sorry if you don't like my answer... Good luck anyway!
Alice - There is this girl in my English 1010 class and I always spot her looking at me, but I don't know how to go up to her and start a conversation. - Danny Basio Troy, USA
I am so glad I am not a boy so I don't worry about these things! Jeeees it is so hard! All we dgirls do is sit back and wait for a cute boy to come along (and sometimes they never come along) then we sort out the ones we want to talk to... Argh! I hate it when I think of it, it is sooo easy to hurt someone's feelings with rejection, especially when it took so much for him to make the move to talk first... well, if you don't try you'll never know right? So take a deep breath and keep telling yourself that your soul mate is out there waiting for you and this one just might be her!" May the force be with you!
Dear Alice - I've known this girl for 4 years now and shes one of my best friends. we were pretty close at one time but we stuck to the friendship thing. I feel like saying something to her or making a move, but how? - christopher rodriguez lake villa, united states
Christopher, This is a great start, relationships should be about great friendship too! Just say that to her, exactly like you said it to me:
"We've known each other for 4 years now and you are one of my best friends. We were pretty close at one time but now we are back into the friendship thing.... I feel like saying something to you to let you know how I feel, but I don't know how..."
I hope you end up together and do lots of loving things together... Good luck! Alice
Alice, What do you think about men who shave or wax all their body hair? (incuding pubic area, except their head of course) Sexy or not sexy? And if not all of it what should they shave or wax? Thanx - Lee Shelton W-S NC
I think it is a fantastic idea if you plan on spreading whip cream and strawberries all over and you have your lover eat off your body. Don't you hate it when you eat and find a piece of hair across the inside of your mouth and your second thought is "I hope it's not a pubic hair" Oh God! Smooth is sexy, you go Lee! Alice
Hey Alice, what happens when you liked somone and then you got over them and then you meet up like a couple weeks later and you hug and you both don't want to let go?............Jacob Allen, Mariposa , CA
Let me guess, you make out, get over it and then start over with someone else, and so on and so forth... It's called "phermones," like a drug, the brain is addicted to someone's else scent, for two to three months. If you don't know what you are doing, nature will keep you securily affiliated with the animal kindom while you senselesly reproduce with one another... comforting, isn't it? Alice
...To all the heroes out there, with or without uniform, you know who you are, I LOVE YOU!!!! Thank you for all your amazing work... On a personal note... and I want to introduce you to "my" personal hero, my healer and wonderful lover.... I have something very special to share with all of you that just happened to me... just a few days ago my lover looked straight in my eyes and made a little chat right to the point and there were lots and lots of tears...... .... and guess what ladies and gentlemen, ALICE SAID YES!!! Impossible to resist, the man does all the right things. Alice body and soul has found a home, and I am sorry for all of you handsome men out there, I am taken until... well, a very long time it looks like!!! We plan on having a very large family and since we need to catch up we plan on starting with twins (we have no choice, lots of heat in here!) Ladies, here's the secret: DON'T hold back ANYTHING for your man! Lots of love, Alice
Alice - I want to have sex with my sister-in-law, how do I go about getting her into bed? Will Davis Idaho Falls
Hey, very easy one, just ask your brother if it's OK!
Dear Alice, I am in the US Army. I was shot at while in the war about 3 months ago...and the glass from the Hummbe shattered all over my face. My face is a mess now..and I am ashamed to talk to ladies like I did before this happened to me. The stitches are long ago removed..but I do have many scars. I am still in the Army. I would just like to know how I can get over my scars..and enjoy my life again with females like before. Thank you very much for your time. Sgt Jonathan Pesi. U S Army Rangers. Los Angeles. CA
Dearest Jonathan, you sounds like such a sweetheart! I hate the war, and I hate what it did to your face. However don't underestimate the power of love. If love was about looks this planet would be a desert! I can guarantee you that those scars will soon know the healing kisses of soft lips. When our features change we are forced to look from the inside, more than ever now... and that will bring its rewards... Now let's talk about a deeper subject for a change, your tushees! Bring them home safe and sound, and better hurry now! With much love, Alice
Dear Alice, I am interested in a certain woman. She is nearly twice my age but we have amazing chemistry. Recently, I asked her out and she said she didn't want to hurt me and that my friendship was very valuable to her. How should that be interpreted? Is it possible I might have asked the wrong way? Thanks. Timothy Watts Austin, TX
A lady must never mix with unfit societial liberties, even if her eyes are telling another story... now the ball is in your court, or is it? She'll come around - how many men half her age do you think she gets? And yeah, keep using the words "we are friends" a lot, it will drive her crazy that you withdrew your advances.
Dear Alice - well I wanted to know how to make one of my co-workers break up with her boyfriend. You see she likes me a lot and I like her a lot and the only thing that's holding us back is her boyfriend. Now I'm at the point where I'm starting to build feelings for her and I think about her a lot. So what can I do? Wait for her? - or what? Please help me. Otto Ortiz Panorama City, CA, USA
Mon ami,
If I could stop politicians from rambling and if I could make the price of my favorite lingerie go down, THEN, I could also convince you that this girl is having fun with both of you and so, what would be wrong with that? Hmmm, I sense you don't like that do you? ... Who told you the best things come in halves? Do you really think we can change someone else other than ourselves?
Alice, I am interested in a girl that I rarely meet. She is a uni student and I graduated 5 years ago. She is the sister of a friend. I can't get her out of my mind. I think she is interested too but I don't know how I can approach. I dont wanna scare her too. So what do you think is the best way for me to approach her and trigger the attraction thingy. Bill Hoare, Montreal, Canada
Bill, little sisters compete with big sisters to attrack men their way. She is sending out vibes your way but they might not be about you. Do you mind? Why run after the wind? Alice
Dear Alice, I have been dating this guy, Bahman for approx 8 months, he tells me he loves me and wants a future together, however things have been very rocky lately. He is trying to fix his problem and is now pushing me away. I have been asking him for months to get rid of his personal problem, knowing that it will end up ruining the relationship, Now that he has decided to clean up his act, he almost is acting like it was my fault, I begged him over and over to stop what he was doing, I truly thought I loved this man, Oh and by the way, his little problem, well I kind of had one too, and I went to him , told him what I had done, he never gave me the emotional support that I really wanted. Do you think that he is selfish? For the past 4 months, we haven't been to dinner, we have never gone away together for the weekend. He says that he needs time because he is trying to take care of himself and make himself better, and he is very stressed and can not take anymore or my problems on his shoulders, He just doesn't have the energy. I tried leaving him before and he begged me to stay, and that he would do anything to keep this relationship together. I also have a trust issue w/ this guy!! Never caught him doing anything, but his actions towards me and the sex has definately been a roller coaster. What should I do? - Debbie Smith Redondo Beach,CA
Dear Debbie, Please don't forget number one rule in love: be patient and be giving. Often everyone in a relationship is thinking what's in it for me? But the truly loving partner says "how can I help you feel stronger?" Love, be patient and have lots of fun together. If you need to talk to someone write a diary or talk to a girlfriend, but leave the man alone. He needs to come to you for safety and comfort. Keep your heart open and the lips very perfect for kissing!
Hi Alice, Ive read a lot of stuff from Deangelo. It really helps a guy in getting phone numbers. Anyway my question is: I met this girl, got her number too. Now I was being C&F and it worked, but I would call her like once a week (players rule). I really thought this would work, but it back-fired. The girl dropped me, when I asked her why, she told me that the reason was that it looked like that I was not interested in her, and was just playing. She said girls like it when guys call more often like every 2-3 days. I was just wondering if you had any insight, do you really think a guy should call more often to show he's into her? Thanks Alice Mike William, Oklahoma
Mike, We're all up in the rules here... Anyway, when you play by someone else's rules you override your instinct... basically you are someone else... but who? Close the books and follow your instinct. I tell you, in time things gets very simple, you ask her what she wants and she tells you. Get it?
Hi Alice,
How do you know if a girl is being a tease or if it is just that she does not like you, but she's too polite to tell you directly? I know people tell you that you need to call a girl and sometimes she'll play hard to get. For example she won't say yes or come w/some lame excuse, but how can you figure this out? Because for me if you call a girl more than three times it feels like you are a stalker. Thanks. Bill Williams, Washington USA
Bill, Keep your cool and let the girl come around, that's what I say. I wanted to play games too when I was a teen, I thought it would make the guys want me more -- now it's either "here's my number, you better call me" or 'sorry, there already a big sailor riding my boat..." There's no fun playing with a guy's feeling ~ Toss her phone number!
Alice, this girl just broke up with her ex two months ago and we have been going out ever since as friends. We sometimes hold hands and get close. But I think I really like her now and I don't know what to do. Please help me. Mikey Chu, NYC
Mikey my sweet,
Honesty is the key, especially with oneself; do you feel she is growing closer to you like you are with her? Tease her, play with her hair, enter her private space, and play doctors (Alice favorite!) and tell her you care...and also let her know you never want to hear about her ex... I for example, never had any ex, I am all in my present boyfriend, AND, may I add, he is all IN me.. Now I have to go back to my breathing and moaning exercises, doctors' orders, you know...
Hi Alice, I am trying to fix something I did wrong. I met a real nice girl and I got her number, and we were supposed to go on a date the next day. When the next day arrived, I was tired and canceled the date. Later on that day my friends dragged me out and we went to a club. Unfortunately she was there with a couple of friends. Even though she told me that she wasnt upset, I felt that she was. She told my friend later that I thought I was a player and ignored her. What can I do to correct this, because I really did not wanted to hurt her feelings, it was purely coincidence. Steven Martin, Curcacao
Steven, excuuuuuuuse me! Practice in front of the mirror, then call her back a.s.a.p.! You cancelled the date because you really like her and you got shy. Sweet
and irresistible, women love this kind of stuff, especially because you had a connection to start with right?
BTW how big is Curcacao? Bloody Hell!
Alice, there is this girl that I have gone out with a couple of times, and I really want to have sex with her but I dont know what to do to get her to have sex with me. Corey
Harness Pioneer,TN
Hey Corey, Any bridges out there? Scanky movies theaters? Ask her to take her knickers off while you take a drive over a long bridge, and dare her to throw them out the window. Sound like fun? You be in the driver seat, got it? Then you can take turns taking cloths off... The key is to get into a mental playground don't you think?
Dear Alice, I have been dating a guy for 2 months.(He was in prison for 15yrs. recently out 6 months now.) He tells me that he just wants us to be friends and that we have potential to be more. When we go out he holds my hand, wants me to sit in his lap, and he continually caresses me. Sometimes too he performs oral sex on me. When I ask him where exactly our relationship is headed he says that I am to relax and give it some time. I personally think that two months is a long enough time to know if you want a committed relationship or not. He says with me keep on asking him about our relationship status it is causing him to withdraw. What do you feel his motive is? Symoni
Miller Bahamas
Dr. Alice emergency room prescrition for Symoni:
3 times a day, for three months, tickle, caress and squeeze every soft part in your own body until desired panting and Summit of Joy is reached. Over the counter porn OK, if needed. WHEN you get this together, THEN YOU tell guys what to do (how in most cases) and WHEN to commit. NOT the other way around. No sexual and mental independence, no healthy relationship. Kiss him goodbye, hopefully he won't be abusive about it. Love to you sweet darling.
Signed: Doctor Alice
Dear Alice, I have a friend that I have known for quite a time and Im begining to fall in love. I have Two days to tell her before schools out. Lately Shes been flirting with me, Should I tell her?
I am tingling all over Jack, it looks like you are both realizing what was there all along! Alice's plan: You are together in a public place, grab her real close to you and look straight and deep in her eyes and say real softly "Are you going to miss me over the summer?" Women love to be taken on the spot... ... and you will see. Do let us know here, Steamin' Alice
Alice my main problem is I really need good examples of conversation topics from you because, I'm being myself but I end up with nothing to talk about. - Joe
Dear Joe,
Homework #1: practice seducing women across the room with just looks and smiles, observing carefully the curves of her body, VERY SLOWLY, as if actually caressing it with one hand..
Why talk? So over rated. I can read a man by just taking one deep look into his eyes, and I can see how deep goes the rabbit hole!
And for a change, let the girl do the talk and the chasing, with intimate support,
Might I just say you are just unbelievably sexy!! Now for my question. I'm not saying I'm small but average, now everyone has heard that it's not the size of the ship but it's the motion of the ocean. Is this true because I know it takes a long time to get to England in a rowboat. Thanks, Troy Mt. Airy NC, USA
OK, this is the part where I take out my ruler and the rest of my teacher outfit (that would be nothing on but my sexy little round spectacles!) tap-tap-tap attention boys!
I personally love it when a man is a little shy when he is naked - is it you Troy, and 99% of the men I know? That's how we women allow ourselves some assertiveness in bed, and we are more responsive and attentive with one another... isn't it what it is all about? When you go to a restaurant with your date, are you really counting the numbers of peas in your dish or are you just thinking about having a great time together? Men are visual, but women need to know that they can let go. That's really very simple. Did you know that the nervous ending in the woman's vagina is located in its first third part? Good news isn't it? Besides there is plenty of playground to explore, now don't get lazy and let the general do all the job. Variety and patience is the key gentlemen! Now go to work, and don't forget to be nice and take turns on the rowboat. Alice is all for England!
Alice, I had this girl and I still love her. We went out for a year and now she is going out with my big brother. What should Ido? Jamie Brown, Perthshire Scotland
Jamie you are going to have to accept that this relationship is history. Nothing but trouble can come from this type of situation. Believe Alice when she tells you, it just isn't worth barking up that tree.
Yes, you love her. Yes, you're sad. Yes, YOU"LL GET OVER IT. Find someone with no baggage and let sleeping dogs lie.
Hi Alice,
How can I talk my wife in to anal sex, or what tips can you give us because she is scared of the pain. - Rudy Mancilla, Montclair
Ahhhhh Rudy.
Just when I felt like my column was becoming a bit too tame. Here's the deal with anal sex. Most men want it, most women don't. This makes perfect sense to me on both sides.
Here's what you've got to do to give it a go, MANcilla (sounds like penicillin for women). Buy a really good lubricant (and I mean REALLY good) and be prepared to take it really slow. I mean an inch at a time, if that's what it takes. Tell her this before hand so she knows the ball is in her court, pardon the horrible pun. If she wants you to stop, you'd better be prepared to do it! Don't make me come over there and beat you!
Let me know how it goes.
Hey Alice I have this friend who is very close to me and lately I've been having some feelings towards her. She is just like me but in female form, I want to tell her how I feel but I am afraid that it will ruin our friendship which is something I don't want to do. What should I do? Please help me. - Will M. toronto,ON
Dear Willy~
You're gonna have to trust Alice on this one. Keep your willy where it belongs. Friends and sex don't mix. At the very least, wait a few months and see if your feelings pass. It's natural for friends to be attracted to each other from time to time. After all, if you didn't like the person you wouldn't be spending time with them anyway. If the feelings don't go away then I suggest sitting down and discussing it with your friend. The most important thing is to maintain what you have. If you feel you can build on it and she shares your feelings, then go for it. Good luck! Alice
Alice, I was wondering if pulling a chair out for a girl is being too nice or what because I do that kind of stuff and what do you think? - Jacob Allen, Mariposa USA
Are you kidding me Jacob? Women live for that shit! A guy can never be too charming, but you must always be genuine. Don't do it to get into her pants. Do it because you enjoy treating a lady like a lady.
Bravo, you big stud!
Alice, I'm afraid to go out with this girl that I really like because the last one I went out with she lied to me about everything. What should I do? What way do girls like to be kissed the most? - Jacob Allen, Mariposa USA
Hi Jacob~
I love the fact that you've written to me with this question! So many men are too afraid to admit they've been hurt and to talk about it. Ironically, that's exactly what you have to do to get over any kind of pain....talk about it!!! I realize that men are built differently than women (thank God!) in this area, but it's just something you HAVE to do.
Now, another crucial thing you have to do is to ask yourself why it is that you attracted someone deceitful? Yes, you heard me....YOU attracted this woman to yourself and it's important to accept responsibility for that. It may be because you don't feel worthy of honesty or maybe you feel guilty about lying to someone else. The possibilities are many and it's something only you can answer for yourself.
The next thing you need to do is align yourself with correct principles regarding what you are looking for in a partner. What is it that's important to you? If it's honesty, then you need to be honest. If it's faithfulness then you need to be faithful. Be what you want to attract. It works I promise!
I know all of this might sound like a lot of work, but once it's out of the way you can start having amazing sex with the woman of your dreams! You heard me....fuck her brains out baby you deserve it!
PS How do women like to be kissed? A LOT and everywhere with as much passion as you can possibly muster.
Hey Alice. There is this girl that I have always thought was really attractive but she has had another boyfriend. Well they just broke up the other day and I want to ask her out but I just cant. I dont think she actually likes me and I get choked whenever I talk to her. What can I do to stop choking whenever I talk to her? - Kenny Gruble, USA
Dear Kenny~
Every time I ask this good friend of mine whether or not I should do something that requires courage, his response is always "what have you go to lose?" My answer alway seems to be "absolutely nothing"! It has given me tremendous courage to realize that 9 times out of 10 I should just go for it. So, Kenny I ask you now....what have you got to lose? Go for it!
Hi, I have a question, there is a girl I like but I dont know what to look for when the girl is interested. I went out on a date and she seemed to be having a good time but I think she's really shy. Got any ideas Thanx, Logan Meston, Marysville,Wa
Dear Logan's Run~
If this shy girl went on a date with you, she MUST be interested! You guys are so insecure. Have a little faith in yourself and just go for it! Grab her and kiss her. Girls love the guy to be the boss. Trust me on this one!
Hi Alice, I am recently divorced and have begun dating again. My question for you is; how do I let my date know I am ready to make love. I dont want to scare them off and yet I dont want to miss a great opportunity. How do men take this step with sucess? David King, Tulsa Okla
Dear David~
Women assume men are ALWAYS ready to make love. Believe me, it's not something that needs to be discussed. The only way you will scare a date off is by not listening to her signals if SHE isn't ready. Otherwise, let her know you're the king of the castle baby! Go for it!!
Alice, First of all I dont think that you are the hot lady on this website. Anyways, I happen to be a very attractive 20 year old college guy but my sense of humor is just not there. I have my moments, but overall I cannot be funny whenever I want. Furthermore, I realize this when I'm tryin to kick game to a girl, and I put too much pressure on myself and it makes my ability to create humor even worse. This is my number one enemy. What can I do to solve this problem? Help is desperately needed ASAP. Thanks, - Greg Mader, Harrisburg, PA
Dear Greg~
The part of this letter that tells me where the problem lies is this line "when I'm tryin to kick game to a girl." This tells me right away that you're not being yourself, but rather trying to manipulate the situation to get what you want. It's time to grow up Greg. Looks only get you so far and believe me truth and honesty will get you a lot farther with girls. At this point it's not your inability to create humor that's your biggest enemy, it's your inability to be yourself. Speaking of truth and honesty, of course I am the hot lady on this website. You think someone who didn't look like me would be this confident? Be yourself! Alice
I was just wondering if u could tell me the secrets to the body language, ya know to help my odds with the girls. - William, Martin, Dover, US
Dear Willie~
Darling if I knew how to create chemistry, I'd be a millionaire. The secrets to body language....hmmmm. There are books on such things, but truly body language just happens naturally. When you're into someone you can examine your body language and all signs point to go. Your legs are crossed in their direction and your whole body is pretty much open to them as opposed to having your arms crossed and body shifting away from them. If you're talking to a girl and you want her to know you're into her, chances are you'll naturally be giving off signals with your body. Relax and enjoy! - Alice
I've met a nice woman, we have met over drinks, and gone out twice, she says she is very attracted to me, on the last date we had, she said she wanted to back up, and just be friends, she's concerned over my finances, which are marginal. But when she kissed me goodbye we kissed over and over, passionately for 15 minutes. If she hadn't just said she wanted to back off, I would have taken her to bed. I know she is scared, I've written her (today) but as yet I dont know what's up. I basically ask how does she really feel, her logic is one thing, but her kisses say another. According to her I'm her best prospect in 2 years, but she's not comfortable cause I owe on bills, and am rebuilding from a divorce. I understand taking it slow, but she kisses like she's saying take me now! What do you think? Confused. Doug King, Tulsa Okla
Dear Dougy~
Your letter frightens me. Not so much because of her concerns about your finances or her teasing way of kissing one minute and saying no the next. What really scares me is that you would be attracted to this type of woman! Honestly, it turns my stomach to think of people making decisions of the heart based on facts of the mind. I'm trying to be understanding towards her concerns, but I'm finding it difficult. I also don't like the way she has told you you're her best prospect in 2 years. Like it's some sort of race to the finish line. There are a lot of people out there in this day and age who are taking this approach to romance, but I am not one of them. I believe we attract what we need in our lives and what I need is love (good sex doesn't hurt either....well sometimes it does. Tee hee). Therefore, someone's bank account does not come into consideration. It is most important to me to find someone who is passionate about life and their work. Someone who has the capacity to be passionate about me and find exciting new things to see about me every day. I can't speak for you Dougy, but if I were you I wouldn't give this girl the time of day.
Alice, I am a 25 yrs old guy. I am bored of being single. I would like to have a good life by dating beautiful girls. But there's one thing in my mind, I dont want to put money as a factor but true feelings about me. Is it possible? Another thing is I dont know what should I write to start off. (online dating) CCY Aaron, Malaysia
Dear Malaysia~
Of course it's possible to put true feelings about yourself when looking to date. In fact, it's the ONLY facts you should include. Making things up and lying about who you are to get girls is a complete waste of time. For one thing, you'll only attract women you're not attracted to and for another, when they see who you really are they probably won't want you anyway. Being honest about who you are is the only way to find someone who enjoys the same things you do and sees eye to eye on important issues. Let it all hang out baby!! Alice PS Why would you even bring up money? It's not who you are and anyone who judges you by what you have or don't have is no one I want to know!
Dear Alice,
I have a serious issue. A girl has been calling me for the past 2 weeks. She says she knows me from somewhere, but she wont say. Lately my girlfriend and I have been in a fight because she cheated on me and has admitted to sleeping around for quite sometime. I'm not sure to go for the sexy phone girl or my girlfriend of 10 months. - Josh Brown, Madison Lake, MN
Oh my Gosh, Josh!
Don't be fooled. My first instinct tells me that the sexy phone girl is a set up by your cheating girlfriend. Usually, a cheater is very suspicious of their partner because of what THEY are doing. Don't fall into the trap.
Honestly? My advice is to choose neither girl. Find someone new without any negative attachments. These two sound like trouble in a mini skirt.
You'll thank me later!
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